Top 5 extreme sports in the world

Top 5 extreme sports in the world

image source: wikipedia

What is extreme sports?

Action sports, adventure sports or extreme sports are activities perceived as involving a high degree of risk. These activities often involve speed, height, a high level of physical exertion and highly specialized gear.

Our need for speed, adrenaline and new experiences is pushing the wide world of sports to increasingly extreme levels. Videos of extreme downhill skateboarding and street luge starting making a splash online a few years ago, but that’s just a small part of the list of extreme activities.

The X Games don’t hold a candle to these top extreme sports found around the world.

1. Parasailing:


Parasailing, otherwise called parascending or parakiting, is a recreational kiting action where an individual is towed behind a vehicle (typically a vessel) while joined to an exceptionally structured shelter wing that takes after a parachute, known as a parasail wing. The kept an eye on kite's moving grapple might be a vehicle, truck, or vessel. The bridle appends the pilot to the parasail, which is associated with the vessel, or land vehicle, by the tow rope. The vehicle at that point drives off, conveying the parascender (or wing) and individual into the air. On the off chance that the pontoon is ground-breaking enough, a few people can parasail behind it simultaneously. The parascender has almost no influence over the parachute. The action is fundamentally a great ride, not to be mistaken for the game of paragliding.

Watch parasailing:

2. Wingsuit Flying

File:Dubai Wingsuit Flying Trip (7623578306).jpg - Wikimedia Commons

At this moment, wingsuit flying is most likely the nearest people can get to controlled, non-machine-helped flying. 

Wingsuit flying is a variety of sky making a plunge which the "pilot" or jumper wears a unique suit that basically makes them resemble a flying squirrel. This particular suit highlights "wings" at the edge of the body and between the legs. The wings have air pockets that give the pilot more lift, permitting them to fall increasingly slow where they go with a stunning measure of exactness. 

Wingsuit flying can occur from a helicopter or off a base and some master flyers get extraordinarily near mountainsides and even voyage in a controlled free fall through ravines.


3. Highlining

File:Man highlining in Yosemite National Park with El Capitan in ...

Essentially slacklining is like tight rope walking but on a tether/line (rope, or chord) that has a little less tension and give to it.Slacklining alludes to the demonstration of walking, running or balancing along a suspended length of flat webbing that is tensioned between two anchors. Slacklining is like similiar to rope walking and tightrope walking. Slacklines contrast from tightwires and tightropes in the sort of material utilized and the measure of tension applied during use. Slacklines are tensioned essentially not as much as tightropes or tightwires so as to make a powerful line which will stretch and skip like a long and restricted trampoline. Pressure can be changed in accordance with suit the user, and diverse webbing might be utilized in different conditions.

Highlining and its benefits (click there to read)

watch highlining:

4. Volcano Boarding/Volcano Surfing

volcano surfing

When skiing or sledding on snow isn’t extreme enough, it’s time to take a trip to an active volcano.

Volcano boarding or volcano surfing is exactly what it sounds like, you slide down the side of a volcano that’s covered in cool cinders or ash. And by ash we mean mostly little bits of sharp volcanic rock.

After hiking over rocks and rubble to the peak, riders go down the volcano on makeshift plywood toboggans, which makes this extreme sport accessible to anyone. The best of the best, though, can surf down the slope while standing on the board.

Volcano Surfing or Volcano Boardingis a sport performed on volcano slopes. The most popular slope is the Cerro Negro near Leon in western Nicaragua. Riders hike up the volcano and slide down, sitting or standing, on a thin plywood or metal board. The sport is also practiced on Mt. Yasur in Tanna, Vanuatu.

Volcano surfing can be an extreme dangerous sport but adventurous. Potential dangers include falling off and getting cut by the rough volcanic ash, breathing poisonous gasses, contracting histoplasmosis (otherwise known as 'caver's disease, or being hit by flying molten lava. Protective gear, including jumpsuits and goggles, is used.
watch volcano surfing:

Check out our article on volcano surfing

5. Bull riding

check out this video

Bull riding is a rodeo sport that involves a rider getting on a bucking bull and attempting to stay mounted while the animal tries to buck off the rider.
American bull riding has been called "the most dangerous eight seconds in sports." To receive a score, the rider must stay atop the bull for eight seconds with the use of one hand gripped on a bull rope tied behind the bull's forelegs. Touching the bull or themselves with the free hand, or failing to reach the eight-second mark, results in a no-score ride. Depending on the bull riding organization and the contest, up to four judges might judge the rider and four judge the bull on their performance. For most organizations, a perfect score is 100 points. In general, most professional riders score in the neighborhood of the mid-70s to the high 80s.

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