Benefits of Boxing & Kickboxing.

Benefits of 40-Minute Boxing & Kickboxing Workout

Benefits of 40-Minute Boxing & Kickboxing Workout.

Top 10 Benefits of  Boxing AND Kickboxing -

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1. Fat Burning:

Did you know boxing can burn as much as 500 calories per session?

When performing high intensity training, you not only burn heaps of calories during the session, but for hours after the training session has ended.

Typical cardio exercise does not have this post training calorie burning effect.

That’s why boxing is your best friend when it comes to losing weight.

2. Increased Muscle Tone:

A typical boxer’s physique is toned and defined without a lot of bulk and that’s why it’s perfect if you want to really tone up.

This is because punching is a fast repetitive action that produces toned taut muscles, in contrast to the slow, controlled, very heavy movements involved in body-building or weight lifting that produce size or bulk.

3. Build Strong Bones and Ligaments:

Resistance training strengthens your bones and reduces the progression of osteoporosis.

In boxing, focus pads and punching bags provide resistance as does your own body weight when you perform pushups, pullups, lunges, burpees and various other exercises.

Your joints, tendons and ligaments will also get stronger in response to working against resistance

4. Increased Cardiovascular Fitness:

Boxing is a full body movement so when you throw punches a huge number of your body’s muscles are contracting at the same time.

This makes your heart and lungs work over time to pump blood containing oxygen all around your body.

Boxing will test your cardiovascular system to the max, forcing your body to adapt by making your heart and lungs better at delivering oxygen.

This means that you can train at a higher intensity, giving an even greater fat burning effect.

5. Better Muscular Endurance:

Boxing requires your muscles to contract repeatedly causing the muscles involved to fatigue.

With training, your muscles can keep contracting for longer durations without getting tired, allowing you to train harder for longer and ultimately burn more calories.

6. Improved Core Stability:

Anything that causes your body to become unstable requires your core muscles to work harder to keep you balanced.

Boxing requires lots of fast rotational movements and these core muscles will develop to allow you to punch hard without losing your balance.

7. Increased Strength and Power:

Boxing is the ultimate full body workout. Correctly thrown punches use your legs, hips, glutes, core, obliques, back, shoulders, chest and arms.

Punching against resistance causes all of these muscles to contract with more force and speed, developing further your strength and power.

8. Stress Relief:

Sure, boxing is a fantastic physical activity that can help you get in shape, but it has psychological benefits too.

Hitting stuff can make you feel really good! Take out the stresses of your normal life in a safe, controlled environment.

It will leave you calm and relaxed and ready to tackle whatever curve ball life throws at you next!

9. Improved Co-ordination and Body Awareness:

Moving lots of parts at the same time requires a good connection between your brain and your body.

With patience and practice, focus and discipline can transfer over to other sports and activities.

10. Greater Confidence and Self-Esteem

Mastering the techniques involved in boxing often make people feel pretty good! The better your technique, the more force you can put into your punch.

The noise you hear when you land a strong, accurate punch right on the sweet spot of the focus pad is so satisfying!

Feel these awesome benefits for yourself !!!

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