What is xpogo (extreme pogo)?

Extreme Pogo or Xpogo is an action sport which involves riding and performing tricks on specially designed "extreme" pogo sticks. These pogo sticks have the potential for jumping over 3 meters of height. Xpogo can be seen in athlete exhibition teams, Xpogo content on sites such as YouTube, and the annual Pogopalooza: The Xpogo World Championship Series.

What is Pogo Stick?

pogo stick is a device for jumping off the ground in a standing position, through the aid of a spring, or new high performance technologies, often used as a toy, exercise equipment or extreme sports instrument. It led to an extreme sport named extreme pogo or "Xpogo".

It consists of a pole with a handle at the top and footrests near the bottom, and a spring located somewhere along the pole. The spring joins two sections of the pole, which extends below the footpads.

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The jumper places his feet on the footpads while balancing on the pole, then jumps up or down with a bending action of the knees to add or subtract energy in the spring. When the spring is at full compression or extension, the jumper is lifted by the recoil of the spring, being launched several inches or feet into the air. This process is repeated to maintain a periodic bounce.

The pogo stick can be steered by shifting one's weight off the center line of the spring in the desired horizontal direction thus producing horizontal locomotion.

Pogo sticks on steroids! Extreme pogo involves all types of flips, tricks, and jumps up to 9 feet in the air. Bet you thought pogo sticks were just for kids.

Watch some amazing pogo stick stunts compilation

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Hope you liked our post: LETS TRY SOMETHING DIFFERENT TODAY! LETS TRY XPOGO. Please don't forget to like and share this post. Follow are profile.

So what are you waiting for? Try xpogo right now!



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