Exercise for back fat. How to Get Rid of Back Fat.

Exercise for back fat. How to Get Rid of Back Fat. 

While some of us have trouble making our belly fat disappear, other people can't rid their bodies of back fat no matter how hard they try. Also referred to as a "bra bulge", back fat is that that annoying band of chub that clings to the back muscles and creates a fold of skin above the waistline or a bulge that peeks out of a bra band.

While we'd love to answer the age-old question of how to get rid of back fat, it's impossible to spot-reduce flab. That's not necessarily a bad thing, though. If you're serious about firming up your back, you'll need to decrease your overall body fat, which means you'll look slimmer everywhere—not just below your bra band. (Woohoo!)

Adding fat-burning foods to your diet, tweaking your daily routine, and adding some targeted strength training exercises to your workouts are the most effective ways to sculpt a lean back.

We've put together the best tips for how to get rid of back fat so you can firm up and feel confident in your skin.

Exercises to get rid of back fat. Exercise for back fat

Target your backside and core (the muscles in your midsection that wrap around your abs and into your sides and back) with these effective—yet simple—fitness tips and exercises to reduce back fat.

Weight training - Exercise for back fat

Woman straining and struggling to lift weights at the gym because of lost muscle mass

The USDA may recommend an hour of cardio five times a week for optimal heart health, but jogging alone won't help you lose your back fat. "You need a combination of both weight training and cardio to get fat off your body," Mike Duffy, CPT, explains, adding, "Cardio alone will only train one type of muscle fiber and you'll only be building one part of your fat-burning furnace. I see many people doing tons of cardio every day and not lifting weights. They never change the way they look."

Adding HIIT and weight training sessions to your workout a few times a week will also put "you in oxygen debt, so your body will have to play 'catch up' after the workout is done. This increases the rate of metabolism to tap into more fat loss during and after the workout," Duffy explains.

Planks - exercise for fat on back

To work your core muscles and stabilize your back to get rid of fat, try this no-gym workout:

Place two dumbbells on the floor and assume a push-up position, with your hands on the dumbbells about shoulder-width apart. Your body should be as stiff and straight as a plank, forming a straight line from head to toe. There's an added degree of difficulty as you work to prevent the dumbbells from rolling out from under you.

Hold the position for 30 seconds.

If you want to further target the back area, lift one arm at a time to shoulder height and hold it for a few seconds.

Push-ups - exercise for back fat loss

While most people think of a pushup as a chest exercise, its so much more than that. "Push-ups help to increase lumbar stability with a focus on the spinal erectors," says Jay Cardiello, celebrity personal trainer and star of ABC's My Diet Is Better Than Yours. That means that the exercise helps strengthen the back muscles to support the spine, preventing back pain and giving you a lean physique—which is exactly what you want when your goal is to get rid of back fat.

To do push-ups as an exercise to get rid of back fat:

Lie on the floor facedown with your hands at your sides, just outside your shoulders, and your feet hip-width apart.

Raise your hips, thighs, and chest off the floor so your weight is supported by your toes and palms. This is the starting position.

Exhale as you straighten your arms and push your body up until your arms are straight. Try to keep your head, hips, and ankles aligned as though your body is a straight plank.

After a brief pause at the top, inhale as you lower yourself down.

Repeat for ten repetitions.

Yoga - exercise for back fat at home

Sick of the bulge that pokes out around your shoulder blades? Well, stop stressing! Studies show that stress tends to increase levels of cortisol, the hormone that donates those extra pounds to your backside. De-stressing can be as simple as taking up a weekly yoga class and relishing every second of savasana. Plus, holding and breathing through poses such as warrior 3 and half-moon can help strengthen and tone your back and core muscles.

Hope you liked our article on Exercise for back fat. How to Get Rid of Back Fat. Don't be mean to share it with your friends and family. Let them enjoy this knowledge.

Here was the Exercise for back fat. How to Get Rid of Back Fat. Exercise for upper back fat. Exercise for lower back fat, exercise to lose back fat.

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