Underwater Hockey Rules Underwater Hockey Rules An Regulation.

Underwater Hockey Rules And Regulation.

Underwater Hockey (sometimes called Octopus) was invented during the 1950s by the British Navy to keep their jumpers fit as a fiddle and to improve their productivity underwater. It at that point became promoted in Australia before growing over the world. The sport interlaces disciplines from both ice hockey and swimming in making a serious and genuinely physical fight. 

The object of the Game 

The object of underwater hockey is to effectively hit the puck into your adversary's goal. The team that scores the most goals in the allotted time is then the victor. The game is played underwater and players must stay underwater until a goal is scored. Just when a break in play for a goal or a foul is called by the arbitrator may players at that point reemerge. 

Players and Equipment 

Each team comprises of 10 players. There will just ever be 6 players lowered in the water at any one time with the reaming 4 players going about as moving substitutes – like Ice Hockey. The players at that point stay on the pool floor where the 3lb puck will be arranged. Players are permitted to pass the puck along the floor to teammates using a stick that is connected to their glove of about one foot long. 

On the head of the stick, players are permitted to wear a cover, swim, ear defenders, blades, bathing suit, and gloves. While the sport is basically a non-physical game, the game can turn very harsh and get physical similar basketball can. It takes players numerous years to sharpen their aptitudes in underwater hockey none more so than the capacity to hold their breath for broadened periods. 

The pool is as a rule around 25m long, 12 m wide, and 2m profound. Ropes or lead loads can be utilized as a goal. 


A goal is scored when a team figures out how to hit the puck into their rival's goal using their stick. No other instrument or body part can be utilized in the game and any goals considered to fall off a player's body will bring about a foul in their adversary's kindness. 

Dominating the Match 

The match is dominated when the allotted time has outperformed and the team with the most goals is the champ. On the off chance that the game is a tie after the allotted time, at that point an additional 15 minutes is played until a champ is found. 

Rules of Underwater Hockey 

  1. Teams comprise of 10 players with 6 players in the pool consistently. The staying 4 goes about as moving substitutes. 
  2. Games happen for two 15-minute parts with a 5-minute rest period in the middle of equal parts. 
  3. Players by and large spread zones as opposed to having positions yet arrangements do become an integral factor. 
  4. Teams can likewise be part of assault and safeguard. Varieties of midfield players have additionally been noted previously. 
  5. Players can just score using the stick in their grasp and can't utilize anyone's parts to help to move the puck. Players are disallowed from reaching players except if they have the puck.

Underwater Hockey Rules Underwater Hockey Rules Underwater Hockey Rules

Last words

Today, we learned about underwater hockey rules and regulations. Hope you liked it. Do give underwater hockey a try.


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